Can't see if there is another way to report bugs to TurboTax besides posting on the forum.
The 2024 edition seems to have two bugs in it with respect to the Unincorporated Business Tax forms for NYC.
1. Both forms - The exemption amount is populated even when there is no income. This increases the loss by the amount of the exemption. The only way to clear it is to go into the form directly and set it to zero.
2. The NYC-202 long form generates two-fold, with the first page of the first copy populated and the remainder of the pages populated on the second copy. i.e. The five page form comes out as a ten page PDF with pages 1,7,8,9, and 10 populated. I don't think it would work to just print the first page from the first copy and the remainder from the second copy as the two copies carry different (what I assume are) document numbers on the lower left corner e.g. 60212457.