My foreign tax credit includes passive category income from DIV, INT and rental income. I have statements for DIV and INT which are somewhat equivalent to 1099s. There is no payee statement for rental income and the taxes paid on it. Form 1116 needs to be filed in this case to claim credit per my understanding.
Turbo tax took me through the questions to fill out form 1116 and and my efiled return has been accepted so far. When I look back at the pdf of the return filed there is no form 1116 included. Looking back at the form sections in the Turbo Tax desktop, even though there is a Form 1116 with all the work sheets, on the top it says "Form not required to be filed". There is Foreign tax credit on Schedule 3 as one would expect for someone who can claim Foreign tax credit without filling Form 1116.
Can anyone explain if there is some error somewhere or why Form 1116 is not required in this case.