impossible to say at this juncture because, assuming plaintiffs win, it's going to depend on what the settlement is for. in many cases, there is no breakout between taxable and nontaxable portions. From what I've read about other settlements it's unlikely that the attorneys handling the case for plaintiffs will give a tax opinion.
- an award or settlement that replaces taxable income
- interest on the settlement
- damages that are not for personal injury
- reimbursement of medical expenses that were deducted in earlier years to the extent of their tax benefit
- punitive damages other than for wrongful death
- damages for personal injury or sickness including emotional distress
- property damage to the extent it does not exceed the property's basis
- refunds to the extent the expense was not deducted or produced no tax benefit
- damages received for emotional distress
- reimbursement of medical expenses where there was no tax benefit