When first importing 1099s and 1099Rs that were available initially from Fidelity, just the 1099Rs were available so I entered those. When other 1099s were available (except one that was not avail until March 6) I entered those and was surprized my refund was so high considering amounts on 1099Rs. Great, right? I went back to import just the remaining 1099 on March 6 and nothing else since I did the other forms. WOW, a bigger refund, whats going on. When I looked at what was on form 1040 I noticed way less dividends. When I reviewed the 1099s imported all were GONE so I reimported those. Now I checked again and noted the last one was gone as well as the 1099Rs I imported originally. Had to re-import everything all at the same time and spend an evening re calculating all income from govenment securites and state tax exempt income. What a pain. If you dont check for deleted 1099s after importing news ones you will be audited. What is going on...this is the Deluxe software on CD.