I completed and filed 2020 Federal, but now as I am trying to manually complete 2020 Calif State return (using downloaded forms because TT no longer has a 2020 CA download avail.).
Quest. 1----What amount should be on Sched 1 1040 line 8?
Looking at the 2020 Sched 1- 1040 instructions for line 7 & 8. I received $27,400 in CA unemployment benefits in 2020.
Instr. for line 7 seem clear that I should enter the 10,200 Fed exclusion amount of $10,200 in line 8 (I assume of Sched. 1 1040). But I see I had entered on that line in my already filed form -20,400. I don't recall how I arrived at 'that' amount.
Instr. for line 8 says to use the Unemployment Comp. Exclusion Worksheet. I copied that from the Sched 1 Instr.
Line 1: add three numbers from 1040 lines 1-7. Done
Line 2: Sched. 1 lines 1-6, just Bus. Income for me. Done
This is where I get lost...
Line 3: "Use Line 8 Instr. to determine the amount to include on SCh. 1 line 8, and enter here" ... [Sch. 1 line 8 Instr. from the 1040 Sch. 1 Instructions says to "use the Unempl. Comp. Exclusion worksheet! "??? this is what I am trying to fill out???]
Quest. 2----[What form "Use line 8 Instr." is the UCE Worksheet asking me to refer to?
Quest. 3------ Am I supposed to enter -10,200 or -20,400 into line 3 on this UCE Wrk Sheet?
Line 10: amount is $10,200 (pos. # I assume)
Line 11: Subtract Line 10 (pos. $10,200) from line 3 (either a -20,400 or -10,200) and enter the number on Sched. 1 line 8.
Quest. 4----Am I correct that subtracting the positive 10,200 from the potential line 3 amounts would yield either -30,600 or -20,400?
Quest. 5---- What amounts would be entered on CA (540) Calif. Adjustments line 8f, Column A, and 8f Column C?
It may be me, but I cannot make any sense of these instructions after hours trying.
This is a wall I have hit, and cannot get past. My wife very anxious to get this 2020 plus the 2021 State returns done tomorrow morning, then on to 2022 and 2023 Fed & State, before Monday to mail them all off. She has been exasperated and I cannot blame her.
Thanks for any help, all.