Yes, if you were eligible for the Earned Income Credit without a qualifying child, your tax return would NOT include Schedule EIC.
You might print and include the worksheet, although that should not be required by the IRS since they would make the calculation themselves without the need for the TurboTax worksheet.
I would point out that in Tax Years 2020 and 2021, Taxpayers were allowed to use their 2019 income amount to calculate the Earned Income Credit (for tax years 2020 and/or 2021) IF THE 2019 EARNED INCOME WAS MORE. The IRS MIGHT be asking for documentation pertaining to this issue.
Please read the IRS correspondence carefully, they may be asking for something other than Schedule EIC.
If you are unsure, ask a Tax Professional or IRS Agent.
If you click the link below, you can contact the Taxpayer Advocate Service. This is a free service set-up through the IRS that can help in this type of situation.
Link to Taxpayer Advocate Service
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