I permanently live in Mississippi, 365 days a year. I work everyday from my home in Mississippi. My employer is based out of Virginia. It is a non-profit school in Virginia. It is an online school, but it is just listed as a non-profit in Virginia. I am a W2 employee. I do not have any withholdings from Virginia. To the best of my knowledge, the other employees that work in other states like Texas, only file in their home resident state. The W2 I receive only has withholdings from the State of MS, and I do not have any withholdings from Virginia. I filed taxes in MS, but I am not sure if I need to also file in Virginia. I never travel to Virginia or do anything in Virginia. Do I need to file a non-resident tax return in Virginia? I kind feel like I need to, but it seems no one else does it. Am I missing something. I hope I am cause I don't want to be double taxed.