You do NOT need the MO portion to file.... your employer did NOT withold MO taxes and you may owe taxes to MO ( you may want to prepare estimated tax vouchers this year if your employer will not withhold MO taxes). This happens to many whom employers do not witthold their resident state taxes. MO starts with federal income and work from there so there is no need to worry. During the FED interview, make sure to use a MO address and make sure to answer yes, you earned income in another state. You complete your fed return, then complete the non-resident KS return, lastly you will complete the MO return and should get a credit for taxes paid to KS on double taxed income.
**I don't work for TT. Just trying to help. All the best.
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**Mark the post that answers your question by clicking on "Mark as Best Answer" I am NOT an expert and you should confirm with a tax expert.