Today when I got up to the transmit returns button, Turbotax crashed. Had to restart and it asked if it could try to repair, it didn't work. Then I restarted the tax return again and it went through till the end. When I pressed the the transmit returns now, nothing happened. Got blank screen when I asked for Efile status got no Email. So after trying to call Turbotax and getting garbled talking person on the phone, I tried to start again with backup copy of tax and had same result.
At some point I got a form asking for a recommendation and explanation and I wrote my problem and later got a Thank you for using Turbotax and mentioning that the IRS allows taxpayers to file a max of 5 returns and my phone number was associated with 5 returns.
Does this mean I sent in 5 returns? What can I do? Must I call IRS? It seems all of my attempts may have worked without sending an email, but I am not sure. The efile status always had a blank screen and no email was received. Helppp!!!
Thanks for any help!!