From 8606
I have a total basis now in a traditional IRA of $19,500 on line 2 & 3 that will be carried forward to 2025 tax return.
I am 75 years old and receive RMD once a year now.
I have filed form 8606 every year that there was a non-deductible contribution into the IRA.
I have copies of those 8606 forms for the years that there was a non-deductible contribution.
At present my RMD is around $7,000 per year and TurboTax calculated the RMD correctly for the previous and future year’s RMD
The plan for 2025 is to take the combined total of RMD $7,000 + the $19,500 basis line #3 on form 8606 for a combined total of $26,500
The question???
The Basis $19,500 not taxed.
The $7,000 RMD is taxed
8606 doesn’t address this type of transaction