I have two brokerage accounts (not retirement accounts) in my broker. The first one is marked as the Mark To Market account, wash sale is turned off. I am a day trader and trade daily. I only trade stocks, no options, and others. I also bought some NVDA stocks there and want to keep them longer. Then I created another one and moved them to the second account. The second account is used as a non-day-trade stock trading account, which is NOT an MTM account.
This is my first year to be a Mark To Market account owner. I am thinking of the year-end tax return. I know there is one 1099-B Form for each brokerage account. I will clear out all the stocks in the MTM account at the year-end. I want to know how these NVDA stocks will be treated in the 1099-B Form. Will they be reported on both 1099-B Forms or only in one of the forms? They are bought in a MTM account (recorded), and then they are transferred to a non-MTM account. There are no selling records for them. Are they still treated as part of the MTM account? My final goal is to avoid unrealized profit/loss in the MTM account, i.e. there is no unrealized profit/loss on the 1099-B for the MTM account. Please advise me on how to get there. I can move them back and sell them if necessary.
One more question here:
For 1099-B boxes 9 and 10, only the MTM account may have a number in them. For non-MTM account, they are always empty or 0. I am right?