1. My broker issued a corrected 1099, forcing me to amend my Federal return. I had not yet filed my state taxes, but Turbotax automatically assumeed I had, and would only let me file an Amended state return. I had to file on paper.
2. Turbotax helpfully suggested my wife and I put $7000 each in our IRAs, and that lowered our taxes significantly. However, every time I reopen my saved return, the $14000 is now treated as not deductible. If I delete all mentions of the $14000 and go back into Turbotax, it again offers me a reduction in taxes if I contribute to our IRA's, and everything goes back to where it was before. But everytime I reopen the file, the benefit disappears again, and the $14000 is treated as non-deductible. I have to spend time fixing this when I file the amended Federal return, the state return, and anytime I check any detail about my tax forms. Very annoying and makes me wonder if I can trust this program.
last updated
April 15, 2023
3:21 PM