January 4th 2021 IRS deposited my families 1200 stimulus into CiVista bank account ##### I don't owe them anything from that as it was not taxes
I filed irs 3911 to trace it they got it back and deposited it a second time January 29th 2021 into the same account Seriously thinking fraud here. Never received my funds
March 30th 2022 irs deposited $392 of whitxh possibly 350 was due never received the letter of explanation or the funds
February 23rd 2023 Irs deposited $11507 AGAIN INTO A CIVISTA ACCOUNT I OWE nothing from that as it's a Amended refund
Total 13,099 $ due and I intend to file a civil suit for back due interest as this is extremely questionable behavior for a legal financial institution and is apparently fraud