It shouldn't (and doesn't) double count the entry. Unchecking the"I'm self-employed and bought a Marketplace plan" box delinks the 1095-A from a Schedule C.Rega...
@stevewhelanThe workaround I used does not remove the 1095-A, thus the required Form 8962 is still filed. I compared page-by-page, line-by-line, pre- and post-w...
@jknr@SS77771I believe we may have encountered the same issue. I use Turbotax Online and had a Schedule C plus 1095-A. This resulted in an erroneously blank Lin...
I encountered the same, first with the PTC repayment limitation bug reported in January (now fixed), and now with the remaining self-employed health insurance c...
To anyone who's SELF-EMPLOYED who encountered this issue (FPL >400% w/ erroneous $1350/$2700 repayment limitation), please note that this error also impacts the...