Hello,I've been trying to figure this out, and in so doing, I added the 2023 1099-Rs to my 2023 return. It sucessfully added them, but my tax liability didn't c...
Hello @RobertB4444 ,I'm wondering about the unreported interest that I received in 2023 which I have not reported and is not separated or listed separately from...
thanks so much for your response. The reason I didn't report the interest on my 2022 return is that the funds were distributed to me in 2023, so I reported the ...
@dmertz thank you for the response. My 2023 1099-Rs box 1&2 list $22.85, Box 7 Code P, which is the principal of $21 plus the interest of $1.85 for each fund. I...
Hello,To f/u to my "excess 401k/457b contribution" to my employer post of last year, I received the 2 1099-Rs for 2023 - they just list the total withdrawal I m...