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I did! I spoke to an agent for state and federal just to make sure that I wasn't being audited or anything and I am not, no letters sent and the agent said no n...
I still have no DD and I filed on the 17th as well. My federal was accepted the next day and my State was accepted the 25th. I have no date for either. State is...
Thanks! Still no DDD for me and I did try to download transcripts but I got an error that my phone number couldn’t be verified (apparently some phone numbers wo...
Filed 1/11/19, Accepted 1/14/19, Transmitted 1/28/19 still no DDD and no movement on WMR. I have the CTC.Nothing from state either just a generic message of 8-1...
Activity Feed for SweetasHoney
- Posted I did! I spoke to an agent for state and federal just to... on After you file. June 6, 2019 12:05 AM
- Posted I still have no DD and I filed on the 17th as well. My fe... on After you file. June 6, 2019 12:05 AM
- Posted Thanks! Still no DDD for me and I did try to download tra... on After you file. June 6, 2019 12:05 AM
- Posted Re: WMR status on After you file. February 8, 2019 10:43 AM