Yes, I follow. Thanks for the additional texture on the reasoning... in this case it's a parent who isn't required to "live with" the taxpayer, but I don't thin...
A sincere thank you for the response. Ironically, the best outcome for this family is if they can substantiate there is NOT 1/2 support. That part about not exi...
Thank you for the initial response. I am seeking greater clarity on the 1/2 support math for this scenario with two different countries, currencies, cost struct...
Hi again... First, to answer your questions...#1 by "credit" I mean the tax credit that would show on line 24 of the 8962. #2... lines 5 and 29 for my scenarios...
Thanks, NCperson, for responding.I am modeling the tax outcome for a person entering the US (will have a Green Card) in 2024, and using my 2023 TT (desktop prem...