Critter-3,Thx for reply. If it is interest, I will wait for IRS 1099-Int form next January. If it is not & I dont get 1099, then I feel it is better to find out...
NCperson,TT filed my return on 4/18/23 (tax filing deadline is 10/2023, not 4/18/23, because I live in CA disaster area due to flood & storm) & IRS issued refun...
NCperson,I tend to agree with you that $10.15 added to the Turbo Tax computed refund might be interests. Never happened to me in my entire life. After waiting f...
dmerty,I file tax returns for yrs & yrs. Up till this yr (2022 tax return), IRS always refunded the identical TurboTax refund amount. So I never have the need t...
To answer your question, my1040 line 38 for a penalty was blank (I did not owe any penalty).I usually get Fed refund every yr because I deliberately choose to o...