Hi there, i am planning on starting up a onlyfans account this year. i just had a couple questions about it though?
Can employers see that I have filed a 1099-K?
Does a 1099-K Form affect unemployment benefits?
Is it possible to file both a W2 and a 1099-K in the same year?
Does the earnings on a 1099-K affect the amount of taxes that i have to pay on a W-2 Form
Is there anything else I have to file besides a 1099-K for Onlyfans?
How do business expenicess work on a 1099-K
Do i need to file a Schedule C or Schedule SE, does the 1099-k Include that within the form?
Would I need to File a W-9 if I am doing Onlyfans ?
Is it possible to work a job that provides a W2 and Only needing to file a 1099-k and not a W9?