I don't believe that we have any basis in nondeductible traditional IRA contributions. In other words, all traditional IRA contributions spouse & I have made ov...
Apparently I didn't do step 8 & 9 correctly in 2022. The correct amount of tax was paid, however, some of the withdrawal amounts from the traditional IRA were c...
I learned more about this situation. I called the company that handles Deere & Co. stock (Broadridge) and asked if there would be a 1099-DIV for 2023 for the di...
Thank you, The discrepancy I was seeing was due to having qualified dividends and also having long term capital gains, and therefore needing to remove those amo...
Thank you.I found it interesting that according to this article at Investopedia ( https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/spillover_dividend.asp ) "Spillover divi...