May thanks, SusanY1!Nope, no other assets except $51k my share from the apt sale! I feel confident about my return now, thanks for all your help TurboTax expert...
A question for you too, Patricia. What are all the attached documents needed, if there was no trust involved, just a sale to a private foreign person through a ...
Note that I have already filled out my complete return for 2023 in TurboTax online, just waiting to hear about 3520 in case something needs to be modified. I so...
Thanks so much DaveF1006 for replying so fast.I've been staring at the instructions for 3520 for 2 days now and still struggling to understand. Why couldn't the...
Could you please clarify the last sentence of your 1st paragraph--what do you mean by "step 3 of the instructions" ? Is that Part III on the form??Also I really...