If you’re confused as to whether it’s better to take the Standard
Deduction or Itemize Deductions on Schedule A, you’re not alone.
Personal tax deductions include such things as charitable donations,
mortgage interest, property taxes, state income ta...read more
If you want to get those juicy dependent tax credits and benefits, it’s
important to get it right. Getting it wrong can create an IRS mess you
don’t want to be a part of - trust me on this one! If the result isn’t
in your favor, not only will you lik...read more
It’s always wonderful to donate to charitable causes. But did you know
that the type of organization you donate to can actually make a
difference on your taxes - and even whether or not you can actually
deduct it? For example, donating cash through a...read more
Everyone knows there are tax benefits to having children and dependents
and some are pretty amazing! If you’ve ever had questions about the
popular Child Tax Credit (CTC) or Earned Income Credit (EIC), this is
the place to be! TurboTax does the think...read more
It seems the most popular question at tax time is “Can I deduct this…?”.
Of course you don’t want to pay more taxes than you need to; and you
want to get all the tax deductions and credits you’re entitled to take.
The resources below have helped many...read more
Hello, I need a help.I'm working on 2024 tax report and got stumbled on
IRA deduction section.I'm getting deductible IRA of $3420 even though
all my contributions should be non-deductible IRA.I used to exceed MAGI
and had to do backdoor Roth conversi...read more
Form 8889 line 116 says "Subtract line 15 from line 14c. If zero or
less, enter -0-. Also, include this amount in the total on Schedule 1
(Form 1040), Part 1, line 8f. Schedule 1 (Form 1040), Part 1, line 8f
says "Income from form 8889". Turbo tax do...read more
Cashback amount is around $20K. He asked w9 from me but didnt give any
1099MISC or 1099NEC or any form to me. Do i need to declare this while
filing tax? Is this taxable income? What's the best way to handle this?
I I converted my primary residence into rental for last 5 months. I paid
total mortgage interest of 27,118.90 and property taxes of $2619.18. I
put $15,782 (27,118.90 /366 * 213) of mortgage interest and $1,524.27
for property taxes in 1098 for 7 mon...read more
Hi,My 2024 W2 shows the total amount contributed this year for HSA
contributions through payroll and through employer contributions and
that comes to 6500. I added my own contribution of 1800 for 2024 taking
the total to 8300, which is the limit for ...read more