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New Member
posted Jun 1, 2019 8:43:30 PM

This is a multiple question scenario, I apologize if I make it complicated. I am an independent contractor, and I am currently fulfilling a contract bu a big company, using my own vehicle and equipmen

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1 Replies
Level 15
Jun 1, 2019 8:43:31 PM


You received a 1099-MISC for your self-employed income.
Type “1099-misc” in the Search box and then select the “Jump to” link. This will take you directly to the section where you can enter your 1099-MISC. You’ll also be able to enter any cash, personal checks or credit card payments (Form 1099-K) related to your self-employment.

Your self-employment income was only from cash or personal checks or credit card payments.    
Type “Schedule C” in the Search box and then select the “Jump to” link. This will take you to where you can enter any cash, personal checks or credit card payments (Form 1099-K) related to your self-employment. You may first be asked some general questions about your business. After you answer them, you’ll be taken to the Let's get income for (your line of work) screen where you can enter this income as Additional Income.

Related Information:

·         What's the difference between self-employment income and other income?

·         Where do I enter a 1099-MISC?

·         Why am I paying self-employment tax?



Answered by  TurboTax FAQ  to this question

Where do I enter my self-employment business expenses, like home office, vehicle mileage, and supplies?

To enter your home office, vehicle mileage, supplies and other common business expenses:

1.    Type “Schedule C” in the Search box.

2.    Select the “Jump to” link.

o    If this is your first time working in this section: You’ll be asked some questions about your self-employment work, and then have a chance to enter your expenses.

o    If  you have already entered some information about your self-employment work:

§  Select Edit next to your business, and confirm your general business info if asked.

§  Select Add expenses for this work OR, if this your first time entering expenses, select Continue on the Let's get the deductions...screen.

§  Follow the screens to enter your expenses.

TurboTax CD/Download Home & Business - Follow these instructions to enter your expenses.


Additional Information

Remember to enter 1099-MISC1099-K, cash, and personal check income from your self-employment.

If you’re not self-employed, but a W-2 employee instead, follow these links for the employee home office deduction and job-related employee expenses.

Related Information:

·         How do I report income from self-employment?Where do I enter a 1099-MISC?

·         How do I enter a 1099-K in TurboTax Online?

·         Where do I enter job-related employee expenses? (Form 2106)