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Filing taxes jointly saves most couples more money

However, married filing separately may get you a better tax return in certain situations.

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Our top faqs about

Filing taxes as a married couple

Why did our refund decrease when we entered a second W2?

You only receive the Standard Deduction once on your tax return. You don't receive a deduction for each individual W2 you submit.

Should we file jointly or separately?

Most married couples file jointly, but certain situations can make separate better. Use our tax return calculator to compare options.

How does filing as a married couple impact our W4s?

Look at adjusting your with holdings to reflect your new filing status.

One (or both) of us changed our name—what name do we file with?

File with the name on your current Social Security card—even if it hasn't been updated with your new married name.

Learn more about filing your return as a couple