Joncrump3 has earned 6 badges!
First ReplyFebruary 4, 2025Earned by 359,843Your voice was heard. Your opinion matters. Congrats on your first post.
Read 5 PostsFebruary 4, 2025Earned by 1,136,269Happy browsing! You've read 5 posts.
Read 10 PostsFebruary 4, 2025Earned by 817,774How is the info collecting going? You've read 10 posts.
Read 20 PostsFebruary 4, 2025Earned by 455,778I bet you're learning a lot! You've read 20 posts.
Read 50 PostsFebruary 6, 2025Earned by 181,426You're checking out ALL the convos! You've read 50 posts.
First PostFebruary 4, 2025Earned by 1,111,023Your voice was heard. Your opinion matters. Congrats on your first post.