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New Member
posted Jan 20, 2025 2:37:51 PM

I am being asked to provide a signed copy of my 2022 tax return - filed with Turbo Tax. How would I do this?

Signing tax return

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2 Replies
Level 15
Jan 20, 2025 2:41:32 PM

Print the 2022 tax return and sign the Form 1040 on page 2 with the date it was signed.


To access your prior year online tax returns sign onto the TurboTax website with the User ID you used to create the account - https://myturbotax.intuit.com/


Start the 2024 online tax return by entering some personal information then click on Tax Home on the left side of the screen.


On the Tax Home webpage -

Scroll down to the section Your tax returns & documents.  Click on the Year and Click on Download/print return (PDF)


If you used the desktop CD/Download editions installed on your computer, the only copy of your tax data file and any PDF's will be on the computer where the return was created.  TurboTax does not store online any returns completed using the desktop editions.

Level 15
Jan 20, 2025 2:43:18 PM

Print out a copy, use a pen, and sign it on the line that says "Sign here."  


There is no physical signature on an e-filed tax return.   You "signed" electronically by entering your AGI.  So when a lender, etc. requests a "signed" copy--you sign it to keep them happy.




  You have to access your own account and/or  print it for yourself using exactly the same account and user ID that you used when you prepared the return.


Start a 2024 return online and enter some personal information  so that the menu on the left opens up and lets you access your past year returns.







Many people have multiple TT accounts and forget how to access them.  Log out of the account you are in now.


Account Recovery






Or did you use the desktop version of TurboTax?  If so, the files are on your own hard drive or any backup device you used like a flash drive.









You can get a free transcript from the IRS or for a fee of $30, an actual copy of your tax return.








EVERY year before mid-October you should save a copy of your tax return as a pdf and print a copy of it for your records.  That way you will not be searching online frantically when you need it for a lender, FAFSA forms, your next tax return, etc. 







NOTE:  TurboTax and the IRS save returns for seven years.  Returns older than seven years are purged.