To access your current or prior year online tax returns sign onto the TurboTax website with the userID you used to create the account -
Scroll down to the bottom of the screen and on the section Your tax returns & documents click on Show. Click on the Year and Click on Download/print return (PDF)
Or -
When you sign onto your online account and land on the Tax Home web page, scroll down and click on Add a state. See screenshot
This will take you back to the 2018 online tax return.
Click on Tax Tools on the left side of the online program screen. Then click on Print Center. Then click on Print, save or preview this year's return. Choose the option Include government and TurboTax worksheets
The download is only my state return. I need the first page of my federal to file with my state. But the federal doesn't download. This is ridiculous.
The instruction you provide is what I do, BUT I ONLY SEE THE STATE RETURN.
KY requires that the first page of the federal return be filed with the state return. I HAVE 3 DAYS. And I have to work during the day all of those days!!
Again, customer service here is not good.
@nhojacinorev_514 Scroll up to the very first reply in this thread that you posted to. Read the answer.
@nhojacinorev_514 Scroll up to the very first reply in this thread that you posted to. Read the reply.
@tiger2 And the reply is the same to you as the reply to the user who posted above you. READ the thread before you post a question that has already been answered multiple times in the thread.
The 2018 online version has permanently closed so it can get switched to the 2019 program... for now you can log in, scroll down and click on the 2018 tab ... choose to download the PDF which will only include the return AS FILED. If you want a PDF with all the worksheets then you need to come back sometime in December when the 2019 online program goes live and save a new PDF the same way as above.
Access to prior year returns
You can get a free transcript from the IRS:
How do I get a copy of a return I prepared using desktop TurboTax?
Note: Every year, before mid-October, print a copy of your current year tax return and save it as a tax file and pdf, too. That way you will have it when you need it for school, a loan, next year’s tax return, etc. without going through a lot of aggravation (and expense) to get it.
I need a copy of my completed and filed income tax return for 2018
@2904weloika wrote:
how can I get 2018 taxes
To access your current or prior year tax returns sign onto the TurboTax website with the userID you used to create the account -
Scroll down to the bottom of the screen and on the section Your tax returns & documents click on Show. Click on the Year and Click on Download/print return (PDF)
See this TurboTax support FAQ for accessing prior year online tax returns -
If you used the desktop CD/Download editions installed on your computer, the only copy of your tax data file and any PDF's will be on the computer where the return was created. TurboTax does not store online any returns completed using the desktop editions.
Or go to this IRS website for free federal tax return transcripts -
For a fee of $50 you can get a complete federal tax return from the IRS by completing Form 4506 -
@bettywhiteside Did you read the reply that is directly above your post? Please do so.
@flatfndr wrote:
I need my tax return for 2018 so I can print it out
To access your current or prior year tax returns sign onto the TurboTax website with the userID you used to create the account -
Scroll down to the bottom of the screen and on the section Your tax returns & documents click on Show. Click on the Year and Click on Download/print return (PDF)
See this TurboTax support FAQ for accessing prior year online tax returns -
If you used the desktop CD/Download editions installed on your computer, the only copy of your tax data file and any PDF's will be on the computer where the return was created. TurboTax does not store online any returns completed using the desktop editions.
Or go to this IRS website for free federal tax return transcripts -
For a fee of $50 you can get a complete federal tax return from the IRS by completing Form 4506 -
@davegolf Return to your post. Scroll up. Read the reply directly above your own post that tells you how to get your 2018 return.