After you file

This is a public web site that can be seen by anyone—including scammers and would-be identity thieves who would love to contact you and pretend to be from TurboTax.  Please remove the personal information you posted here ASAP by returning to your post and clicking the three little blue dots on the upper right to edit your post.




  You have to access your own account and/or  print it for yourself using exactly the same account and user ID that you used when you prepared the return.


Many people have multiple TT accounts and forget how to access them.  Log out of the account you are in now.


Account recovery

Or did you use the desktop version of TurboTax?  If so, the files are on your own hard drive or any backup device you used like a flash drive.


To get a copy of your previously filed returns prepared with online TurboTax

**Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to offer the most correct information possible. The poster disclaims any legal responsibility for the accuracy of the information that is contained in this post.**