For some reason this year my W-2 from my long-time employer is not going directly into the desktop TurboTax Premier application.
In past years entering the control number was sufficient to pull the data from ADP.
I downloaded the mobile app but my 2020 return isn't showing there.
Any suggestions?
If you are using a TurboTax CD product, you will not be able to access your 2020 return in the TurboTax mobile app. Please see this TurboTax FAQ for assistance: Import your W-2 in TurboTax CD/Download
Hi Michelle,
Thank you very much for the suggestion.
I've tried the import via the employer ID but it doesn't seem to work this year.
When entering the W2 content manually I've run into a question on which code to use for a box 14 entry.
On my W2 I have to box 14 items and one entitled "RSU" isn't recognized by TT. Do you know which code I should use for this?
The second box 14 entry on my W2 of "ESPP-QDS" was recognized by TT automatically.
Thanks again.