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New Member
posted Jul 11, 2018 3:57:43 PM

TurboTax phone support

If you haven't already discovered.  TurboTax will send you to Hell online before giving up their phone number to talk with a live person.  If anyone knows TurboTax phone support number, please post it online for everyone. No links please, you will only find yourself reading crap on their site trying to find a good number to call. 

0 3 1061
3 Replies
New Member
Feb 9, 2019 1:46:34 PM

i need to find out what my  2017 AGI or five-digit number is

New Member
Feb 4, 2020 4:59:04 PM

My efile return has been rejected 3 times stating the AGI for my wife 2018 is incorrect. We filed jointly and I am taking the AGI right off line 7 of my 2018 return. In fact Turbo Tax automatically pulls the number up from last years return, yet it is being rejected each time. What is up?

Employee Tax Expert
Feb 4, 2020 5:03:48 PM

The IRS uses your prior year AGI to combat fraud. 


You can find your 2018 Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) by:


  • Looking at line 7 on page 2 of your 2018 Form 1040; or
  • You can request a transcript of your 2018 tax return from the IRS to ensure you have the right number. You can request your transcript online at the following link: Get Transcript 

Check these items as well to ensure you have the correct number.  If you:

  • Filed late last year after mid-November or your return was processed after that time—try entering 0.
  • Amended your return last year—make sure you’re using the AGI from your original return, not the amended one. (If you only have a 1040X form, it’s on line 1, column A).
  • Rounded your AGI to the nearest dollar—be sure to round up when it’s 50 cents or more and down when it’s 49 cents or less.
  • Filed with your spouse last year—you and your spouse have the same 2018 AGI. (Don’t split the AGI amount or enter 0 for one of you).


Unfortunately, without the correct number, your only option would be to print and mail in your return. 


This article will give you instruction on how to print and mail your return.