Users sometimes report that problems with importing a return were solved after an update was run. On a Mac, simply quit and reopen TurboTax. If there are any updates, you'll be prompted to download them. Once you've done this, try again.
To transfer info from your 2023 TurboTax for Mac return:
Be aware that once you've gone past the Transfer screens, you can't go back to revisit them. If you need to re-do your transfer, go back to step 1 to start over with a new return.
Thanks for help.
Could not get TT to respond on Mac/Sonoma. Had to upgrade to Sequoia which I did not want to do, TT will now load very slowly, but will not allow file to be saved with password. Freezes again if you try.
I had tried several uninstall/reload software throughout the process.
Previous years of TT still operate as expected with passwords.
It depends on the age of your computer. If it is an older model, you may be saving the file in such a way that’s not compatible with your current system, especially if the file has become corrupted or if there's a conflict with macOS file handling.
Try one or all these solutions to see if they work.