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Returning Member
posted Feb 15, 2022 7:52:29 AM

Received ITS letter 4464c dated FEB 9 2022

I received the dreaded IRS Letter 4464c for the first time in my life. I tried calling the IRS for more information and the automated system stated due to the high volume of calls they could not address my issue. Gee thanks IRS for serving your citizens and being helpful. I was using a different tax service until recently and decided to go back to Turbo Tax and now kind of regretting using Turbo Tax after this incident. Has anyone else received IRS letter 4464c this year as well? Apparently, there is nothing I can do but wait but I was trying to see if it was an identity verification but cannot reach a live person. There was nothing special about my return and it's barely above the federal poverty line so it's ironic they come after the poor while the rich are constantly evading millions in taxes. If anyone has any experience please assist. thanks.

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24 Replies
Expert Alumni
Feb 15, 2022 9:34:13 AM

@youngrev0316 - This letter, 4464-C, is about verifying your income and income tax withholding.  For more information, use this link from the IRS that addresses this letter specifically.


Understanding Your 4464C


TRS select some returns to determine if income, expenses, and credits are being reported accurately. This doesn't mean you made an error or were dishonest

Returning Member
Mar 9, 2022 1:13:33 PM

I received a letter and haven’t spoken to anyone

Expert Alumni
Mar 9, 2022 2:03:11 PM

If you filed your tax return before you received the letter, you don't need to do anything except wait. 


If you received this letter and you did not file a 2021 tax return yet, you should contact the IRS and let them know right away that you did not file the return they are examining.


In most cases Letter 4464c just delays your refund for a while. 


Click here to learn more about letter 4464c



Level 3
Mar 13, 2022 6:56:56 AM

I received the same letter, simple tax refund also. Good luck getting help, answers, or even someone sharing their 4464c experience. All anyone does when you post an obvious question like “has anyone else received one” is copy and paste what the letter is or how long you have to wait from the IRS website-Clearly sh*t you you’ve already read a dozen times before breaking down and asking others… It’s frustrating. Obviously you’re not asking anyone to repeat what you’ve already read. If anything happens with mine I’ll let you know ASAP. Good luck 

Level 1
Mar 16, 2022 1:17:36 AM

Yes I also have received letter 4464C. I have won over 300k in gambling and my refund is very high amount that I am getting back and from my understanding this 4464c is the IRS overlooking your tax return to make sure everything is reported accurately. If you go from making about 30k to now over 300k of course this would be a red flag for my return to get pulled and that is exactly what happened. It sucks and I know for sure does not take freaking 69 days to complete. That too long. But hopefully the ball will be moving faster. Let’s just stay positive and prey everything works out. Good luck to everyone 

Level 3
Mar 16, 2022 2:47:16 AM

Well first of all congratulations on the win! Anytime another human being gets any kind of break in life it makes me happy for them, (we really need to be happy for and life each other up in life, I believe, because it’s hard enough as it is!) Second mine was simple. Very simple. So I’m not understanding and it’s so frustrating & disheartening. I’m a single mom with zero help from my child’s father and this (tax refund) is the largest sum of money I get all year. I understand needing to review what really upsets me is the time frame I’m hearing. Some people get refunds soon after 4464c and some have said it was December! Good luck to you, please comment if your refund comes thru. 

Level 3
Mar 16, 2022 2:48:34 AM

*be happy for and lift each other up in life (I meant) 

Level 1
Mar 26, 2022 1:50:24 PM

Thank you for your response. So upon checking the IRS website my status went from “ We received your tax return and IT IS STILL BEING PROCESSED when there is an available date we will let you know” , to currently it says “ we have received your tax return and IT IS BEING PROCESSED”. So with that being said all I waiting for to happen is the processing to be completed and a refund date. 

Level 1
Mar 26, 2022 1:51:00 PM

Thank you I appreciate that

Level 1
Mar 27, 2022 6:32:01 PM

I filed on the 1/24 accepted on 1/25 received the 4644c letter 2/11 , it’s march 27 and still nothing ! Has anyone that received letter gotten their refund yet??

Employee Tax Expert
Mar 28, 2022 2:17:10 PM

The 4644C letter means the IRS has pulled your return for review but it is not an audit.  They are verifying the information reported on your tax return and matching documents they received from payers such as employers, banks, etc.


 There may be a phone number on your IRS letter.  


Here's more info on IRS Letter 4464C. 





Level 3
Apr 3, 2022 5:54:14 AM

We know. 

New Member
Apr 4, 2022 10:08:58 AM

I filed on 2/14. Accepted 2/15. State portion is all set. Still waiting for federal refund. Received 4464c on 2/25. It’s now 4/4 and still no updates and turbo tax can’t help either. First time this has happened. Definitely frustrating!  Will post if anything changes. 

Intuit Alumni
Apr 4, 2022 12:10:51 PM

You can follow the instructions here to reach out to the IRS directly in order to request an update. @Ang3lNc

Level 3
Apr 21, 2022 12:40:11 AM

Hi, I’ve commented on this thread worried the same as everyone else about this letter. I filed FEB 7 2022, accepted same day, got letter dated FEB 21. I’d given up honestly. Checking WMR daily and worrying. Just wanted everyone to know yesterday my WMR updated to a direct deposit date for the full refund amount. So hang in there! 

New Member
May 4, 2022 7:13:17 PM

Did you receive your refund 2 months from the 1st letter or 2 months from the 2nd letter saying that the refund was fixes and what you where going to get?

New Member
May 16, 2022 8:25:47 PM

Yes I have always used turbo tax as well and never again will I use this tax service. I also got the same letter and can’t do crap about it but wait 120 days.  Freakin ridiculous. I can understand because of my tax refund amount being so large they want to double check everything which I am okay with but really 120 days that’s a little long. I have already waited 60 and was now told I have to wait 120.  So wtf did they do for the first 60 days ? Nothing but **bleep**in off trying to look for something that ain’t there 

Level 3
May 17, 2022 3:29:58 AM

Hi, I never got a second letter however my first one didn’t come till a month and a half after I filed.  I was so pissed at this situation, still angry I went thru unnecessary hardship because of this happening to me (FOR NO REASON.) I just want to give some of you hope- because I was reading post where people waited a year after this letter before getting refund… if you’re taxes are pretty simple and you know you made no mistakes, then they will fix it. If you think you owe something or have an idea why this happened to you call someone at IRS and/or a tax advocate,  (call everyday! Over & over! It’s your money!) Tell them you think you know what the problem is and you need to fix it so you can get your refund. 

Level 15
May 17, 2022 4:45:01 AM

Please don't blame Turbotax for issues with the IRS.   Congress has added to the IRS workload over and over the during past few years, without giving them any additional funding.  Feel free to make your concerns known to your Congressional Senator or Representative.

Level 3
May 17, 2022 5:53:10 AM

I’m assuming you’re talking to the commenter above me… I just want to chime in and say something about your comment… I don’t blame turbo tax but many people do because they never had a problem in their lives with their taxes  until they switched to Turbo Tax these past 2 years.  I think personally all that money they (the government) gave out during Covid with the early EIC and CTC caused the IRS to be more suspicious this year-I get that because a lot of fraud going on, BUT my poor little 89 year old grandmother who is a retired school teacher with the most basic tax return one could have got a 4464C letter this year-she only draws retirement. Also there’s one thing people shouldn’t forget but often make comments sometimes like they have, tax refunds are overpayments from American citizens who work for a living and pay that money in! It’s not the governments money, its not the IRS’S money, it’s ours-the taxpayers, so maybe the government, the IRS, and whoever else has a hand in slowing refunds down should pull their heads out of their ass*s because it’s not their money to mess with! Gas prices at $4.50 a gallon and groceries unaffordable right now, working people need THEIR money. For most like myself this is the largest sum of money we get all year! So SURE check us out! Verify! Ask questions! But do it QUICKLY! DON’T TAKE MONTHS OR A YEAR TO RELEASE  SOMEONES REFUND! Do you think an IRS employee wouldn’t be just as upset if it happened to their refund? I bet it don’t tho. So whatever it takes the IRS needs to make it happen, if they can’t because of government funding then they need to take THEIR PROBLEM (yes their problem, because it’s their job) to the highest court in the country. Bombard the media with complaints but DO NOT hold working peoples refunds for 4-6-12 months while “verifying info!” That’s unacceptable! COMPLETELY UNACCEPTABLE! 

Level 3
May 17, 2022 6:06:03 AM

if you think I’m wrong try owing the IRS money sometime, they will TAKE EVERYTHING YOU OWN and put you in prison (PRISON!!) if you don’t pay them in full by their deadline, They’ll destroy you.
Try explaining to them you just don’t have it right now because the government is screwing you up on funding- send them your own 4464c letter explaining it could  take 60 days and don’t call me till 60 days is up, then in 60 days when they call tell them you’re really sorry but it’ll take 60 more, and so on… I promise you things will go very differently. 

New Member
Aug 28, 2022 10:50:57 AM

Hi, I’m just curious if you have received your refund yet? 

New Member
Oct 12, 2022 7:49:34 AM

I filled in February, I have gotten 3 of these letters and still NOTHING! I have called the IRS, which is a joke. I still have not received my refund to date. 

New Member
Sep 28, 2024 7:53:47 AM

Received the same letter. Was told to wait, and wait, and wait. Finally got tired of waiting and tried several times to reach a live agent.  Finally got a resolution after calling the automated questionable credits department, [phone number removed] hours are monday-fridsy 7am-9pm central.  They were able to sdvide me why it was being held and how and where to submit the required documents.  My employer misreported my wages, and did not send a correction until after I filed.  Now waiting on the review of uploaded proof so I can get my refund released.  Hope this helps anyone still in limbo.