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New Member
posted Jun 1, 2019 5:43:33 PM

I received a non traditional 1099MISC. for a investment settlement $5.30. How do I enter this on Turbo Tax Prem. the program keeps asking questions that do not apply?

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1 Replies
New Member
Jun 1, 2019 5:43:34 PM

To report income that is not self-employment income on Form 1099-MISC:

  1. Sign in to TurboTax .
  2. Search for 1099-misc other income.
  3. Select the Jump to 1099-misc link in the search results.
  4. Select Yes to Did you get a 1099-MISC?
  5. If you need to enter another 1099-MISC, select Add Another 1099-MISC to enter a new one.
  6. Enter the information from your 1099-MISC.
  7. If your form has an amount in more than one box, you’ll need to enter them as separate 1099-MISC forms. We’ll help you with that.
  8. On the Describe the reason for this 1099-MISC screen, enter a reason (i.e. Interest income from XXX) then Continue.
  9. On the Does one of these uncommon situations apply? screen, select None of these apply then Continue.
  10. On the Did the XXX involve work that’s like your main job? screen, select No, it didn’t involve work like my main job then Continue.
  11. On the How often did you get income from XXX? screen, select I got it in 2018 then Continue.
  12. On the Did the XXX involve an intent to earn money? screen, select No, it didn’t involve an intent to earn money then Continue.
  13. The amount will appear on Schedule 1, Line 21.

You can view your 1040 form, Schedule 1, Line 21 before you file your return. See How do I preview my TurboTax Online return before filing?