Im concerned because she is not selling it to us, we will still operate the same way we just want me listed as owner. The change was in Aug so now I need to close out her side and open mine I think,
How is the family business organized? sole proprietorship, partnership, S-Corp, or Corp?
You should get legal advice about changing the ownership of the family business, particularly since it is a sole proprietorship.
A sole proprietorship is tied to its owner. Legally they are the same. There are no registration requirements to transfer the business; however, some legal aspects of the transfer deserve consideration.
For a discussion of this topic, please see the following article:
How to Transfer Ownership of a Sole Proprietorship
And since it is a state registered limited liability company, your state may have legal paperwork to process. Up to dissolving the existing LLC and creation of another. While a single owner LLC is a disregarded entity for federal purposes, it likely is not to the state.
I understand that I'm talking about tax wise how do I do that.