I got a 12C letter from the IRS (Form 8962)
by TurboTax•394• Updated 1 week ago
A 12C letter means the IRS needs more information to process your return. Usually, you need to provide Form 8962 - Premium Tax Credit. This form is required when someone on your tax return had health insurance in 2024 through healthcare.gov (or a state marketplace) and took the Advance Premium Tax Credit to lower their monthly premium. We'll help you create (or correct) the form in TurboTax.
You should have received a paper form in the mail from your marketplace. If you didn't receive a Form 1095-A, sign in to your healthcare.gov account to download a copy. Once you've got it, follow the instructions below for your edition of TurboTax.
When you're done in TurboTax, print out Form 8962 and mail or fax it to the IRS, along with any other items requested in your 12C letter.
If there's a change to your refund amount or the amount you owe, print and send page 2 of your 1040.
- Respond promptly.
- If you disagree with the IRS, respond with an explanation—and with the item(s) they asked for.
- You don't need to complete or send a Form 1040X (amended tax return) to the IRS.
- Send page 2 of your 1040 only if the refund or owed amount has changed.
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