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New Member
posted Jan 27, 2020 2:29:07 PM

I can't edit the tuition and enrollment fee. How do you edit the numbers or remove the school so I could start over?

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2 Replies
Expert Alumni
Jan 27, 2020 2:44:47 PM

You might find it easiest to delete the form/worksheet. 


See the original article here, or read on:

  1. Open or continue your return in TurboTax.
  2. In the left menu, select Tax Tools and then Tools.
  3. In the pop-up window Tool Center, choose Delete a form.
  4. Select Delete next to the form/schedule/worksheet in the list and follow the instructions.


Level 15
Jan 27, 2020 2:45:23 PM

To enter your Form 1098-T information (even when TurboTax thinks it has already been entered and is showing $0), go through the entire education expenses section of your return until you reach the screen titled “Your Education Expenses Summary”, then follow these steps:

    Click Edit next to the student name. On the screen titled “Here’s your Education Summary”, click Edit beside Tuition. Enter the information from your Form 1098-T.


To go directly to the Education section of your return, use these steps:

    On the top row of the TurboTax online screen, click on Search (or for CD/downloaded TurboTax locate the search box in the upper right corner) This opens a box where you can type in “education” (be sure to enter exactly as shown here) and click the magnifying glass (or for CD/downloaded TurboTax, click Find) The search results will give you an option to “Jump to education” Click on the blue “Jump to education” link