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New Member
posted Jun 6, 2019 12:02:18 AM

What do I do if it isn't letting me amend my tax return?

My University gave me new information about my tuition and i need to amend it, but I can't. Why?

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7 Replies
Intuit Alumni
Jun 6, 2019 12:02:20 AM

Below is a TurboTax FAQ with more information on filing an amended return.  Instructions for amending your 2018 tax return will be available after the IRS releases the current Form 1040X. Note that amended returns must be mailed as they cannot be e-filed.


New Member
May 4, 2021 1:11:54 PM

While attempting to amend the State tax return, I was asked a question about continuing with the free version or switching to the deluxe version.  When I selected the free, I got bumped to a message that I exceed the free in income and shunted to the Federal Tax site.  I cannot find a way to go back and select a different version.  Need to only amend the State, so the Federal site is of no use.

Employee Tax Expert
May 4, 2021 6:38:18 PM

The reason why you were shunted to the federal tax site is because you need to enter the change in the federal return so that it will populate to the State return. There is no workaround for you to prepare this in a state return.

New Member
May 5, 2021 7:15:01 AM

Hmm.  The turbotax email I received stated that I should not attempt to make any changes to the Federal return. That would all be done at their end.  However, the State needed to be changed at my end.  The error occurred when I was asked what version of turbo I wanted to use.  The two choices were the free version or the deluxe version.  I clicked on the free and then the next button.  That is when I was frozen out.  The message said that I could not use the free version and sent me to the Fed site.  I cannot find a way to go back and change my selection to the deluxe version to proceed. 

Employee Tax Expert
May 5, 2021 1:49:36 PM

Try it again.

  1. Log into your Turbo Tax return, if in the Online Version.
  2. Go to Your Tax returns and Documents
  3. Select 2020>amend (change) Return
  4. Proceed through the amendment process and if it asks you to upgrade, do so.

New Member
May 7, 2021 3:50:38 PM

Will not work.  It keeps defaulting to the free version and populating an error message that says I make too much to use the free version.  I cannot find a way back that lets me select the other option that was offered (deluxe).  

Expert Alumni
May 10, 2021 12:29:07 PM

To file an amended return, you must return to the program used to originally file by entering the same username and password. 


However, you may not need to file an amended return. In many cases, the IRS is automatically adjusting calculations. In other cases, while the federal return will not be amended, the state may need to be amended.


To find out more, see:

Do I need to amend?

Do I need to amend my state if I amend my federal?

How do I amend my 2020 return?

Why can't I amend my return?

