TurboTax has a 100% Accurate Calculation guarantee. However, this does not cover user error in providing tax data, user omission of tax data or user answering a question incorrectly causing the tax data to be incorrect.
See this TurboTax support FAQ for the Calculation guarantee - https://ttlc.intuit.com/turbotax-support/en-us/help-article/account-management/turbotax-100-accurate-calculation-guarantee/L30iuaxMC_US_en_US?uid=lguzbztg
The error does not look to be my fault but an error on transfer of account information from investment account that pulls over automatically. I have tried to call TurboTax customer service to discuss but cannot get a real person. Any ideas on how best to connect with someone to discuss the matter?
@jpiggee19 There is no way for TurboTax to verify the accuracy of the data being imported. That responsibility is for the financial institution and the user who imported the tax form.
See this TurboTax support FAQ for contacting support - https://ttlc.intuit.com/turbotax-support/en-us/help-article/account-management/turbotax-phone-number/L0Od33nMQ_US_en_US?uid=lfgviwbm
Support can also be reached by messaging them on these pages https://www.facebook.com/turbotax/ and https://twitter.com/TeamTurboTax
Understood - but how can I talk to an actual person at TurboTax to discuss this.