"I got my return". What does that refer to? Do you mean you have received a Federal refund?
"I'm waiting on my state."
It varies from state to state. Some states (like MO, CO, LA, WV, GA, etc.) can take a long time processing returns--even several weeks--as they crack down on detecting fraudulent returns.
You need to first check to be sure that your state return was successfully filed.
If you efiled, what do you see when you check with this tool? Was your state return accepted?
If that showed your efiled state return was accepted, or if you printed and mailed the return, the FAQ below tells how to check on a state refund.
TIP: While you're at your state's tax website, also look for a statement or FAQ that may say about how long it takes to get a refund in your state and how to long to wait before phoning them.
FAQ: How do I track my state refund?
Do you mean you got the federal refund? States are taking longer this year.
Check for a state refund https://ttlc.intuit.com/community/refund-status/help/how-do-i-track-my-state-refund/00/25571
Make sure you are using the refund amount from your actual state tax return and not the combined amount Turbo Tax showed you at the end. That was for federal and state combined.