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Remove and reinstall TurboTax for Mac

by TurboTax Updated 7 months ago

To remove TurboTax from your computer, you'll need administrative rights.

Note: Substitute XX in these instructions for the 2-digit tax year of your TurboTax software.

  1. First, make sure TurboTax isn’t running in the Dock by right-clicking the TurboTax icon and selecting Quit, if the option is available.
  2. Remove the application TurboTax [version] 20XX from the Applications folder by dragging the application to the Trash Can.
    • If you don’t see it, check in Applications for blank folders. TurboTax will sometimes be in an unnamed folder.
  3. In the Finder, select Go, then Go To Folder.
  4. Enter ~/Library and select Go.
  5. Remove the following files and folders (~/Library represents the Library folder in the current user’s home folder):
    • ~/Library/ApplicationSupport/com.apple.sharedfilelist/com.apple.LSSharedFileList.ApplicationRecentDocuments/com.intuit.turbotax.20XX.sfl
    • ~/Library/Application Support/TurboTax 20XX
    • ~/Library/Caches/com.intuit.TurboTax.20XX
    • ~/Library/Caches/KSCrash/TurboTax
    • ~/Library/Caches/TurboTax 20XX
    • ~/Library/Containers/com.intuit.turbotax.mac20XX
    • ~/Library/Cookies/com.intuit.turbotax.20XX.binarycookies
    • ~/Library/Preferences/com.intuit.TurboTax.20XX.plist
    • ~/Library/Preferences/com.intuit.TurboTax.20XX.LSSharedFileList.plist
    • ~/Library/Saved Application State/com.intuit.TurboTax.20XX.savedstate
    • ~/Library/WebKit/com.intuit.turbotax.20XX

Note: You won't necessarily have every file or folder listed here. Check carefully and delete any file or folder containing TurboTax 20XX for the tax year you’re working with.

Once you've removed those files and folders:

  1. Empty your Trash.
    • Check first to make sure there's nothing in the Trash Can you want to keep.
  2. Restart your Mac, then empty the Trash Can again.
  3. Disable any third-party antivirus, firewall, or VPN applications and remove any external storage devices (TurboTax can't be installed to an external hard drive or any drive other than C. Virtual drive installation isn't supported).
  4. Go to turbotax.com/mydownloads and select the Downloads tab to download a fresh copy of the software, or install from a CD.
  5. Follow the on-screen instructions to reinstall TurboTax from the CD or download file. Be sure to save the program to the Applications folder.
  6. Open Finder and locate TurboTax in the Applications folder. Double-click to run. Accept all defaults and let it run updates when finished installing.
  7. To make sure everything is working smoothly, quit TurboTax and restart your Mac.

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