Why does turbo tax say tax form 4684 is not available until february 24th when i looked on the irs website and the form is current and available now?
Turbo tax said form 4684 page 1 is not available until 2/24/22 when in fact it's on the irs.gov website available and in the current version needed. how can it be there but turbo tax said it's not available?
3 Replies
Level 15
Jan 24, 2022 7:45:44 PM
Was your loss from a federally declared disaster?
There is a difference between when the form is released and when it can be programmed into TurboTax.
Employee Tax Expert
Jan 24, 2022 7:48:31 PM
TurboTax isn't saying the IRS doesn't have the form available. TurboTax is saying that its own internal programmers will need until February 24th in order to integrate form 4684 into the TurboTax software so that it properly connects with everything else in the program. Some of those things take longer than others.
Level 15
Jan 24, 2022 8:43:37 PM
Good post on why forms are not available on Turbo Tax when they are at the IRS or state.