When you requested to have the TurboTax account fees paid from the federal tax refund there is a $39.99 service charge for that option.
See this TurboTax support FAQ for payment of the TurboTax account fees - https://ttlc.intuit.com/community/charges-and-fees/help/why-was-my-bank-account-auto-debited-for-turbotax-fees/01/26102
I know that.
I'm asking why they took out $147.78 when I owed $107.78
You used Deluxe.
Deluxe is 59.99
State is also a separate 44.99 in all versions above the Free Edition
Total is $104.98 plus any Sales tax
then PLUS the 39.99 Refund Processing Service charge (44.99 in California)