@Lydell-89 wrote:
line 17 on form 1040
Only two taxes would be on Line 17 from Schedule 2
Alternative minimum tax
Excess advance premium tax credit repayment
Form 1040 is the federal tax return and there is no such tax on a federal tax return.
The only Assumption Tax that was found with a Google search is in the state of Louisiana for Assumption parish and it is a Sales and Use Tax imposed by the parish. It is not an income tax.
Go to this website - http://assumptionschools.com/salestax
@Lydell-89 wrote:
line 17 on form 1040
Only two taxes would be on Line 17 from Schedule 2
Alternative minimum tax
Excess advance premium tax credit repayment
See line 3 of Sch 2
why is automatically appearing on federal 1040 form in turbo tax
I do live in Louisiana but not assumption parish
I wrote it wrong. It is the alternative minimum tax. What is this tax and how do I know if I owe. My return is showing not tax due on line 38 form 1040
What does this mean and how do I know if I owe this, Line 38 is showing no taxes due.