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New Member
posted Jun 6, 2019 2:36:32 AM

Want to complete another tax return for second son

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1 Replies
New Member
Jun 6, 2019 2:36:33 AM

Each online account can only handle 1 Federal return per tax year.  If you try to prepare a second return in the same account, it will overwrite the first one, making it unrecoverable.

Follow this procedure instead:

  1. Sign out of TurboTax Online.
  2. Select the TurboTax Online product you want to use for the second return and proceed.
  3. On the Create your account screen, set up a new login for the second return.
    • You can reuse your email address if you want to receive e-file notifications for the second return.
    • Up to 5 accounts can be tied to the same email address.
  4. After you've created the new account, you can start working on the second return.

Tip: If you're preparing multiple returns for family members, it's more economical to switch to the TurboTax CD/Download software, which lets you e-file up to 5 federal returns at no additional cost. More info