To make a correction on your 1099-C:
Same problem.... Misc Income 1099 A and 1099C is incorrect Revisiting Cancellation of debt is no help. I have no cancelled debt. How do I change this number?
We did not receive and are not going to receive a form. That's why we need to delete it. This entry is me just doing some estimates a couple of months ago.
So my question is ................ How do I delete the entry?
This Turbo Tax FAQ will show you how to delete a form.
I see no menu called Tax Tools nor can I find the popup "Tool Center" per the FAQ.
Now what?
FYI, I am working off the TT CD
@TPerk100 In the desktop version of TurboTax, you use the Forms icon on your menu bar in TurboTax to bring up a list of forms. Then, you click on the form you want to look at to make it appear on you screen. To delete a form, you use the Delete Form tab on the bottom of the form you are looking at.