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Returning Member
posted Sep 9, 2024 3:12:56 PM

turbo tax premier freezes

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3 Replies
Level 15
Sep 9, 2024 3:15:58 PM

Which operating system are you using, Windows or Mac?  Which tax year are you using?  Where in the program is it "freezing"?

Returning Member
Sep 12, 2024 3:07:23 AM

Sorry, I meant to post a complete question but couldn't at the time.


I am using a MacBook Pro, and Turbo Tax for 2023. 

I am using Monterey 12.7.6 from an external disc because  

I have to run an app on the Mac that doesn't work on Monterey but does on Mojave.


I am working on 3 different tax returns. 

They all imported ok and seemed to be working. 

I sent one to my son who continued to work on it and then sent it back to me with password protection on.

And it worked ok. So I closed the file and quit turbo tax for the day. 


The next day I double clicked on a different return but the password protected one appeared. 

I did not give the password because I did not want to use it. 


The menu then acted strangely. It did not respond at all. 

I couldn’t quit nor do anything else.

So then I force quit turbo tax. 

I double clicked on the file I wanted to open and it did not work. 

I tried to open from the menu but there was no response. 

Then I double clicked on the password protected return and it too did not open.

Turbo tax was just frozen. 


I rebooted the Mac. Turbo tax did not work.

I did not panic. Not. I looked for answers but found none. 

I then reinstalled turbo tax, applied updates again, and opened the return.

It seemed to work ok. But then it froze again. I don’t know why. 


Is there a way to fix it? Reinstalling and rebooting take a lot of time.

I’m afraid it will fail again. And there are no more tax extensions.

Level 15
Sep 12, 2024 7:32:19 AM

With the issues you are experiencing it would be best to contact TurboTax support for assistance.


See this TurboTax support FAQ for contacting support - https://ttlc.intuit.com/turbotax-support/en-us/help-article/account-management/turbotax-phone-number/L0Od33nMQ_US_en_US?uid=lfgviwbm

Support can also be reached by messaging them on these pages https://www.facebook.com/turbotax/ and https://twitter.com/TeamTurboTax