First, TurboTax cannot change your tax data - only you can change your private tax data.
Second, we cannot remove you from your ex's return, for the same reason - your ex has to do that.
Third, if your ex properly removed you as spouse, then that should remove all the information about you. I do wonder if your spouse kept you on as a dependent (that would be wrong) but we have no way of looking at anyone's private tax data to find out.
Fourth, if in previous years, your ex filed as Head of Household while you filed as Married, Joint in the same year (I can't tell from your post if this is likely), then be on the lookout for communications from the IRS, and respond quickly to the letter.
Turbotax recommends that when you change filing status (such as married filing jointly to married filing separately) you need to create a new account. It is very difficult for the user to remove all the data of the former spouse from the file.
In this case, if your ex (or soon to be ex) has control of the Turbotax account, there is really nothing you can do to remove that information. (And in fact, for any past returns that have been jointly filed, its not possible to remove because it was already filed with the IRS and for completeness, your file must match your returns.
If you are concerned that your spouse will mis-use your prior year financial information, you need to discuss that with your attorney.