My return was rejected for AGI or efile PIN. I verified AGI is correct. What does IRS have on file for efile PIN if I didn't efile last year? Why would this cause my return to get rejected? Also, if I am forced to print and file by mail, how do I get a refund from TurboTax for the fees they charge me to efile my state return?
If the IRS does not have your 2021 AGI in their database then enter a 0 (zero) for the 2021 AGI and e-file the 2022 tax returns again.
If this is also rejected you will have to print and mail your federal and state tax returns.
If you already paid the $25 state e-file fee and cannot e-file the state return then you will need to contact TurboTax support to get the fee canceled or refunded. Use the key words Billing Issue when contacting support.
See this TurboTax support FAQ for contacting support -
Support can also be reached by messaging them on these pages and
Thank you DoninGA for the quick reply. My issue is not with the reported AGI, as I have that info and have verified with IRS. My return keeps getting rejected for the PIN. I do have a 6-digit IP PIN form iRS, however, TurboTax is looking for a 5 digit PIN as part of my e-signature. This field will not take my 6 digit PIN, and I've tried three different times to file with the same result.
To enter, edit or delete a 6 digit IP PIN
Click on Federal Taxes (Personal using Home and Business)
Click on Other Tax Situations
Scroll down to Other Return Info
On Identity Protection PIN, click the start button