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New Member
posted Jun 6, 2019 12:37:21 AM

My federal return was rejected - "8960_Hold - This return could not be processed for e-filing due to incorrect or missing information." I'm not sure what to fix.

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2 Replies
New Member
Jun 6, 2019 12:37:23 AM

I received a message stating:  Your tax return is on hold pending a product update expected to be released by March 28th. Please check again for updates. It will be fixed tomorrow.

Level 3
Jun 6, 2019 12:37:24 AM

I got the same error message and I tried to open turbo tax it initially tried to update then crashed.
Then when I reattempted to open turbo tax it said that the Fed was rejected because TT needed to be updated.
Because the federal didn't go through neither did the state anyone have any idea what is going on.  
TT sucks this year all sorts of problems