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New Member
posted May 31, 2019 9:29:12 PM

Its says my W-2 SSN doesnt match the one on my state return Why cant i go back and fix that?

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1 Best answer
Expert Alumni
May 31, 2019 9:29:13 PM

Other taxpayers have seen this message on their state return.

The information flows from the federal into the state forms so the correction has to take place in the federal form.  If the error refers to a W-2 or 1099 and you imported that form into Turbo Tax, perhaps some of the data was damaged in the transfer and is not working properly, even if it looks correct on the page.  Deleting the W-2 and manually entering it should solve the problem.  If you manually entered the W-2 or 1099, the social security number is coming from enter the Personal Info tab and can be edited there.  If this does not resolve the error, deleting the state form and recreating it from the federal form should solve the problem.

If you imported your W-2 or 1099 from a source outside Turbo Tax

Please click on the Federal Taxes tab

Click on Wages and Income (Or Income and Expenses in Self-Employed)

If you do not see a prompt for your W-2 or 1099,

Scroll down to Wages and Salaries for the W-2

 Or Self Employment or Other Common Income for 1099s

Click on Show More and Revisit

Next to your W-2 or 1099, click on the icon of the trash can to delete

Then, on the same page, Click on Add another

And enter the information manually.

Select Done and Continue to save the information and

Review your State Return again to see if the error clears.


If you entered your W-2 or 1099 manually

Please click on the Personal Info tab

Click Edit next to your name

Clear and reenter the social security number and

And click on Done and Continue to save the information.

Review your State Return again to see if the error clears.

If one of the above steps does not clear the error, then click on the link below for directions to delete and recreate your state return.  This should resolve the error


1 Replies
Expert Alumni
May 31, 2019 9:29:13 PM

Other taxpayers have seen this message on their state return.

The information flows from the federal into the state forms so the correction has to take place in the federal form.  If the error refers to a W-2 or 1099 and you imported that form into Turbo Tax, perhaps some of the data was damaged in the transfer and is not working properly, even if it looks correct on the page.  Deleting the W-2 and manually entering it should solve the problem.  If you manually entered the W-2 or 1099, the social security number is coming from enter the Personal Info tab and can be edited there.  If this does not resolve the error, deleting the state form and recreating it from the federal form should solve the problem.

If you imported your W-2 or 1099 from a source outside Turbo Tax

Please click on the Federal Taxes tab

Click on Wages and Income (Or Income and Expenses in Self-Employed)

If you do not see a prompt for your W-2 or 1099,

Scroll down to Wages and Salaries for the W-2

 Or Self Employment or Other Common Income for 1099s

Click on Show More and Revisit

Next to your W-2 or 1099, click on the icon of the trash can to delete

Then, on the same page, Click on Add another

And enter the information manually.

Select Done and Continue to save the information and

Review your State Return again to see if the error clears.


If you entered your W-2 or 1099 manually

Please click on the Personal Info tab

Click Edit next to your name

Clear and reenter the social security number and

And click on Done and Continue to save the information.

Review your State Return again to see if the error clears.

If one of the above steps does not clear the error, then click on the link below for directions to delete and recreate your state return.  This should resolve the error
